Persuasion is an act or attempt to induce a change in belief or action by human interaction. By carefully chosen words, you can establish change that in return can provide you whatever outcome you wish to achieve. This perspective marks the start of our journey in studying persuasive speech.
Before you embark in the art of persuasion, remember that one can only effectively persuade someone by gaining mastery in the skill of persuasive speaking. There is no easy and surefire way to do it but by honing your skill through practice.
Categories of thoughts
Persuading another person to trust your ideas or do as you please is not an easy task. You must learn about how certain human thoughts are divided. This will make it easier for you to filter through overwhelming information necessary in devising fail proof defense and counter arguments in persuading someone. Generally, this is how human thoughts are categorized:
- Long standing beliefs
- Core beliefs
- Hard facts
- Valuation systems
Long standing beliefs comprise a person?s viewpoints with regards to scientific knowledge, religious beliefs and political affairs. These types of beliefs are strongly conserved because a set of arguments have already been established in the past, gathered through social interaction, reading written materials, watching television, films and the likes.
The second category, core beliefs, refer to the most vital or indispensable beliefs that one may cling to despite any odds, such as not wanting to take someone?s life, abhorring crimes and other inhumane acts.
Hard facts refer to the pieces of information learned through life experiences.
Valuation systems make up the common or stereotypical view of people about other people, places, things and situations. The concept that all politicians are corrupt is an example. Familiarizing yourself with all these can be a daunting task and each of these divisions is not as malleable to alterations.
Let say, for example, you want to make people believe that voting is undemocratic and therefore one should cease voting during elections. The idea can stir people?s beliefs, attracting strong resistance, making this an almost impossible task.
The secret to persuasion
Most of us live with the wrong notion that one can only persuade someone by changing his held beliefs. Telling someone that the things he believes in are wrong is not really an effective way of persuading.
Truth is, the proven secret to effectively persuade anyone is not by changing what he knows but by changing how he looks at the world or a certain idea. Changing the way people view a particular concept is a lot easier and feasible than attempting to disprove their beliefs.
Therefore, if you want to persuade someone, don?t go beyond changing what they know. Instead, concentrate on how you can change their viewpoints. Don?t waste your time substituting the facts they held valuable with your opinions. Give them more reason to consider your idea by citing scenarios that shows the advantage of your concept as opposed to the fact in question.
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