Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pentagon, firm battle over tanks 'we simply do not need'

Saurabh Das / AP file

U.S. M1 Abrams tanks withdraw to a safe position after mortar rounds landed nearby in Kufa, Iraq, on April 29, 2004.

By Aaron Mehta and Lydia MulvanyCenter for Public Integrity

Editor's note: This article was corrected after publication.?An earlier version incorrectly said the Pentagon spends $3 billion every 82 minutes. The Pentagon actually spends $3 billion in a little more than a day. Also, the earlier version said that members of the House Armed Services Committee got $31,500 from General Dynamics during a two-week period in September last year. The correct figure is $30,500.

The M1 Abrams tank has survived the Cold War, two conflicts in Iraq and a decade of war in Afghanistan. No wonder ? it weighs as much as nine elephants and is fitted with a cannon capable of turning a building to rubble from two and a half miles away.

But now the machine finds itself a target in an unusual battle between the Defense Department and lawmakers who are the beneficiaries of large donations by its manufacturer.

The Pentagon, facing smaller budgets and looking towards a new global strategy, has decided it wants to save as much as $3 billion by freezing refurbishment of the M1 from 2014 to 2017, so it can redesign the hulking, clanking vehicle from top to bottom.

Its proposal would idle a large factory in Lima, Ohio, as well as halt work at dozens of subcontractors in Pennsylvania, Michigan and other states.

Opposing the Pentagon?s plans is Abrams manufacturer General Dynamics, a nationwide employer that has pumped millions of dollars into congressional elections over the last decade. The tank?s supporters on Capitol Hill say they are desperate to save jobs in their districts and concerned about undermining America?s military capability.

So far, the contractor is winning the battle, after a well-organized campaign of lobbying and political donations involving the lawmakers on four key committees that will decide the tanks? fate, according to an analysis of spending and lobbying records by the Center for Public Integrity.

Sharp spikes in the company?s donations ? including a two-week period in 2011 when its employees and political action committee sent the lawmakers checks for their campaigns totaling nearly $50,000 ? roughly coincided with five legislative milestones for the Abrams, including committee hearings and votes and the defense bill?s final passage last year.

After putting the tank money back in the budget then, both the House and Senate Armed Services Committees have again authorized it this year ? $181 million in the House and $91 million in the Senate. If the company and its supporters prevail, the Army will refurbish what Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno described in a February hearing as ?280 tanks that we simply do not need.??

The Center for Public Integrity

The cash and the tank. Click to enlarge image.

It already has more than 2,300 M1?s deployed with U.S. forces around the world and roughly 3,000 more sitting idle in long rows outdoors at a remote military base in California?s Sierra mountains.

The $3 billion at stake in this fight is not a large sum in Pentagon terms ? it?s roughly what the building spends in a little more than a day. But the fight over the Abrams? future, still unfolding, illuminates the major pressures that drive the current defense spending debate.

These include a Pentagon looking to free itself from legacy projects and modernize some of its combat strategy, a Congress looking to defend pet projects and a well-financed and politically savvy defense industry with deep ties to both, fighting tooth-and-nail to fend off even small reductions in the budget now devoted to the military ? a total figure that presently composes about half of all discretionary spending.

Vulnerable to IEDs but impervious to Pentagon budgeteers
The M1 Abrams entered service in 1980, but first saw combat during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. That episode indicated that, on the battlefield at least, the only thing that could destroy an Abrams was another Abrams; only seven of the tanks deployed in the operation were destroyed, all by friendly fire.?

In the last decade, however, as hundreds were deployed to Iraq and later Afghanistan, a key shortcoming became apparent: Their flat bottoms made the Abrams surprisingly vulnerableto improvised explosive devices (IEDs). As a result, the Abrams in Iraq ended up being used as ?pillboxes?? high-priced armored bunkers used to protect ground.

?The M1 is an extraordinary vehicle, the best tank on the planet,? Paul D. Eaton, a retired Army major general now with the nonprofit National Security Network, said in an interview. Since the primary purpose of tanks is to kill other tanks, however, their utility in modern counterinsurgency warfare is limited, he added.

Ashley Givens, a spokeswoman for the Army?s Program Executive Office for Ground Combat Systems, said that the Army can refurbish all 2,384 tanks it needs by the end of 2013. Freezing work after that, she said, will allow the Army to ?focus its limited resources on the development of the next generation Abrams tank,? rather than building more of the same that ?have exceeded their space, weight and power limits."

Warfare has changed, Odierno explained while discussing the Army?s new strategy at the February hearing: ?We don?t believe we?ll ever see a straight conventional conflict again in the future.?

But top Army officials have so far been unable to get political traction to kill the M1. Part of the reason is that General Dynamics and its well-connected lobbyists have been carrying a large checkbook and a sheaf of pro-tank talking points around on the Hill.

For example, when House Armed Services Committee member Hank Johnson, D-Ga., held a campaign fundraiser at a wood-panelled Capitol Hill steakhouse called the Caucus Room just before Christmas last year, someone from GD brought along a $1,500 check for his reelection campaign. Several months later, Johnson signed a letter to the Pentagon supporting funding for the tank. Johnson spokesman Andy Phelan said the congressman has consistently supported the M-1 ?because he doesn't think shutting down the production line is in the national interest."

The contribution was a tiny portion of the $5.3 million that GD?s political action committee and the company?s employees have invested in the current members of either the House and Senate Armed Services Committees or defense appropriations subcommittees since Jan. 2001, according to data on defense industry campaign contributions the Center for Public Integrity acquired from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

These are the committees that approve the Pentagon?s spending every year; without their support, the tank ? or any other costly military program -- would be dead.

Kendell Pease, GD?s vice president for government relations and communications, said in an interview that the company ? which produces submarines and radios for the military, as well as tanks -- makes donations to those lawmakers whose views are aligned with the firm?s interests. ?We target our PAC money to those folks who support national security and the national defense of our country,? says Pease. ?Most of them are on the four (key defense) committees.?

But Pease denies trying to time donations around key votes, saying that the company?s PAC typically gives money whenever members of Congress invite its representatives to fundraisers. ?The timing of a donation is keyed by (members?) requests for funding,? he says, adding that personal donations by company employees are not under his control. He said the donations tend to be clumped together because lawmakers often hold fundraisers at the same time.

More cash at key milestones
During the current election cycle, General Dynamics? political action committee and its employees have sent an average of about $7,000 a week to members of the four committees. But the week President Obama announced his defense budget plan in 2011, the donations spiked to more than $20,000, significantly higher than in any of the previous six weeks. A second spike of more than $20,000 in donations occurred in early March 2011, when Army budget hearings were being held.

At a March 9 hearing of the House subcommittee dealing with land forces, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, railed against the Army?s decision to freeze work on the Abrams. Since the start of 2001, Reyes has received $64,650 in GD donations, including $1,000 on March 10, the day after the hearing, according to the data.? Reyes office did not return a request to comment; his overall campaign receipts in the current election cycle have been $1 million.

Another large spike occurred the first two weeks of May 2011, a period in which the House Armed Services Committee voted 60-1 for a budget bill containing money to continue work on the Abrams through 2013. Over this period, GD?s PAC and employees donated a total of $48,100 to members of the four committees, with almost $20,000 of that going directly to members of the House Armed Services Committee as they voted.

During another two week period in September, in which the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense handed in its conference report and Congress rushed to pass a stopgap spending bill to keep the government open, the company sent $36,500 to members of the four committees ? primarily the House Armed Services Committee, whose members got $30,500.

The final large spike in donations last year came the week of Dec. 11-17, when Congress made a final vote on the whole budget. During this week, GD?s donations to members of the four committees totaled $17,000.

Along with its checks, the company has been carrying around a message that a cutoff of tank manufacturing work in Lima will harm the nation?s ?industrial base,? using what has become a favorite expression of alarm for military contractors facing cutbacks.

The workforce ?is not like a light switch. You can?t just click it off, then walk away for three years, come back and click it on,? Pease said. Smaller suppliers who exclusively make parts for the Abrams could be shuttered if the Army?s spending stops, he said. GD has also accused the Army of underestimating the plant?s temporary shutdown costs, claiming that the government?s actual savings would be minimal.

To help bring its corporate viewpoint to lawmakers, General Dynamics has spent at least $84 million over the past 11 years on lobbyists, according to Senate Office of Public Records lobbying data acquired from the Center for Responsive Politics. Just in the last year and a half, the firm ?? which draws nearly three-quarters of its revenues from public tax dollars in the form of federal contracts ? ?has spent at least $13.5 million on more than 130 individual advocates, who pressed Congress to fund a variety of military and non-military programs at the firm.

While lobbyists often do not name their causes, those working for GD that specifically listed the Abrams tank, along with other topics, reported earning at least $550,000 from 2011 to the first quarter of 2012, according to the data. Pease described the lobbying efforts as ?education? Shame on us if we don?t go and tell them (Congress) our side, because the Army is doing the same thing as we?re doing, having just as many meetings as we are.?

Relying on special contacts
In addition to tapping its in-house team, the company also hired outside firms to help sway lawmakers? votes, which in turn assigned the General Dynamics account to former congressional staff tightly connected to committee members ? part of the ?revolving door? phenomenon now common among veterans of both political parties.

GD paid the Podesta Group nearly $1.7 million since 2009 to lobby on the defense appropriations and authorizations bills, according to lobbying disclosure forms. Among the more than 20 Podesta lobbyists assigned to the account was Josh Holly, communications director for the House Committee on Armed Services under Republican leadership for six years.

According to Holly?s bio?on the Podesta website, he worked directly with Republican Buck McKeon of California, its current chairman. McKeon is a major recipient of GD campaign donations, garnering $68,000 from GD?s PAC and employees since the start of 2001 ? with $56,000 of that coming just since 2009, when he became the committee?s top Republican. Holly did not respond to emails and phone calls seeking his comment and committee spokesman Claude Chafin said McKeon has consistently argued that it is fiscally smarter to keep the Abrams work going than to stop it.

Podesta also assigned the GD account to two former House Appropriations Committee aides.? One of them, Jim Dyer, confirmed that he lobbied on the tank this year, but directed other questions to General Dynamics. GD also hired firms that assigned its account to six other lobbyists who worked for the relevant committees and to a former Pentagon liaison to Congress.?


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Pease said that when working with outside firms, he lets them pick the specific lobbyists on the account. But when picking the firms, ?you always look for those people who can get the job done,? he says, referring to his approach as using a rifle rather than a shotgun. The company hires ?a lot of individuals who understand our message, and how to deliver the message, so we can educate the right people, so they can understand our side of the equation.?

The company?s efforts so far have had great success. In April, 111 House Republicans joined with 62 House Democrats in a letter to Secretary Panetta decrying the decision to freeze work on the tanks. Less than a quarter were from Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania ? the rust belt states with small subcontractors that would be directly impacted by a halt to Abrams work.

Of the 173 signers, 137 received contributions totaling more than $2 million from GD since 2001. Giving to Republicans and Democrats was split in half, with Republicans receiving about 51 percent of contributions, and Democrats 49 percent. More than half of the Armed Services committee and defense appropriations subcommittee members signed, effectively telgraphing the outcome of their deliberations.

The first signature was from Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich., whose district includes the Detroit suburb of Sterling Heights, the location of the headquarters for General Dynamics Land Systems. Rep. Levin?s brother is Michigan Democrat Sen. Carl Levin, the powerful head of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Sen. Levin has received $46,200 from General Dynamics since 2001; his brother has received $43,000.

In a written statement, Rep. Levin said he wants to protect the Abrams because it is of ?vital importance to more than 60 local companies? in Michigan and the difficulty of restarting tank production after a hiatus. Rep. Levin?s spokesman Josh Drobnyk says Levin has not conferred with his brother on the issue but confirms that representatives from GDLS contacted the congressman?s office about the Abrams.

Sen. Levin?s spokeswoman Tara Andringa said that ?based on information on the M1 tank program from the Army, from contractors, and from independent analysts,? the senator supported the funds for the Abrams as being in ?the best interests of U.S. security and protecting taxpayers? hard-earned dollars.?

Both this year and last year, the funds were added to the President?s proposed budget without a specific recorded vote, in what independent experts have termed an earmark ? money directed by members of Congress to a pet project that often benefits their district. Earmarks were supposed to have been banned after the 2010 election, but lawmakers have decided that when multiple members favor adding funds ? rather than just one lawmaker ? it is not formally an earmark.

So far, there has been a great silence on the Abrams funding issue from congressional deficit hawks. Rep. Jim Jordan, who represents the Ohio district where the Lima plant is located and has received $31,000 for his campaigns from General Dynamics? leadership PAC and employees, said he is now optimistic that the Abrams money will make it safely through the Senate.

If it does, the fight still might not be over. The White House, in its May 15 responseto the House budget, objected to the ?unrequested authorization? of funds for the Abrams during a ?fiscally-constrained environment.?? The administration did not specifically threaten a veto over the issue but said that if too many unrequested projects impeded ?the ability of the administration to execute the new defense strategy and to properly direct scarce resources,? senior advisors will recommend the president veto the bill.?

Reporter Zach Toombs and Data Editor David Donald contributed to this report.

The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit, independent investigative news outlet.

Source: http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/28/12991946-the-m1-abrams-the-army-tank-that-could-not-be-stopped?lite

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Monday, July 30, 2012

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Last Updated on Saturday, 28 July 2012 20:42

Source: http://www.workoninternet.com/business/home-business-small-business/miscellaneous/215926-article.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Guest Article: SMS and customer relationships | 160Characters ...

Alfie Ladeira, Product Manager for HP Exstream explains why SMS messaging is a game changer in the future of customer communications software and why it is key to ensuring profit margins are maintained

Faced with an increasingly challenging market, businesses including utilities companies, banks and telecommunication organisations are coming up with innovative ways such as communicating via SMS to ensure customer satisfaction and maintain customer retention. Historically consumers have been reluctant to change either their energy service provider or their bank account. On average only 8% of people switch their current account per annum and you are more likely to get divorced than you are to switch your utilities service provider.

However, this is all set to change, with the challenging economic climate consumers are for the first time ever willing to shop around to ensure they get the best deal. Added to this, the recent changes in RDR regulations (Retail Distribution Review) means that financial organisations of all sizes now need to ensure they have rigorous document and financial processes in place. We?ve had SMS messaging integrated in the customer communications management (CCM) systems we offer for several years, but in the past two years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of consumers demanding communication via SMS.

Some service providers are pursuing increasingly drastic methods to win over new customers and encouraging them to switch. One Irish energy company even offered cash back incentives to inspire customers to sign up to their service.

In March, Sprint and Cisco created a unified communications platform, which allowed customers to manage their data through the Cloud. This service enabled management of accounts through integrated messaging and enhanced mobile integration. However, although this can seem quite complex there are a few simple things which service providers can do to build customer relationships and ensure long term customer loyalty. This can be as simple as operating an effective customer communications strategy through preferred communication methods such as SMS, email and mobile applications.

Consumers and employees are now more mobile than ever and expect communication directly to their tablet or mobile device. This means that multi platform communication is now an essential tool for companies aiming to reach a high level of customer satisfaction.

According to a 2011 survey by Ovum a record 7.5 trillion SMS messages were sent that year and between January and October smartphone usage rose from 30% to 45% of the population. The use of mobile is a key change in the way we communicate. This has meant consumers are demanding access to their information, including bank statements and bills across multiple mobile channels.

As a result, every industry needs to design their communications platform to contact customers across a variety of channels and formats, including SMS messaging. We?re seeing SMS messaging benefiting customers when they?re in the form of vital alerts, for instance banks might use CCM if a consumer was on the verge of their overdraft, or for utilities companies SMS updates can provide pre-emptive information, for instance if there was an upcoming power outage planned.

Companies also implement CCM in the form of links via SMS when an invoice or a statement has become available on their personal portal, most customers are then able to instantly access this information using their smartphones.

I remember when people started to use SMS instead of talking on the phone and many in the mobile phone industry were surprised at how popular it became. If used in the right way, SMS communication can be an ideal way to reach consumers and ensure a concise and important message is read or directs them to account information that is now available for them to access.

Source: http://160characters.org/news/guest-article-sms-and-customer-relationships/

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Source: http://blog.ilove3c.com/2012/07/28/enhance-your-house-and-increase-your-life-these-pointers-will-teach-you-how/

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Source: http://www.pointinsight.net/2012/07/29/personal/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Global markets extend gains after US data

LONDON (AP) ? Global markets rose Friday as U.S. economic growth figures were not as bad as some had feared and the European Central Bank chief's pledge to save the euro continued to bolster sentiment.

The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 1.5 percent in the April-June quarter, according to the Commerce Department. While that is a slowdown from the previous quarter's 2 percent rate, it is not as weak as some traders had been expecting.

The figures show the world's largest economy is struggling to recover, but not plunging back into recession, as some feared.

By midafternoon in Europe, Britain's FTSE stock index was up 0.4 percent at 5,594.10 and Germany's DAX rose almost 1.8 percent to 6,665.35. France's CAC 40 rose 1.7 percent to 3,262.15. The euro was 0.73 percent higher at $1.2322.

On Wall Street, the Dow gained 0.6 percent while the broader S&P 500 rose 0.8 percent.

Sentiment has been buoyant since Thursday, when ECB President Mario Draghi said he would do whatever it takes to save the euro. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande echoed that sentiment in a joint statement on Friday saying their countries are "deeply committed to the integrity of the eurozone."

Market fears have grown over the past few weeks that Spain, the fourth-largest economy among the 17 that use the euro, could need a bailout along the lines of Greece, Ireland and Portugal because its borrowing rates are high. That would strain Europe's finances and potentially cause the breakup of the euro.

Analysts say the shockwaves from a splintering of the currency union would likely tip the world economy into recession.

Draghi suggested the ECB could intervene in markets to lower the borrowing rates of financially weak countries like Spain.

IG Markets strategist Stan Shamu said hopes for ECB action will remain elevated ahead of its scheduled Aug. 2 monetary policy meeting.

"The ECB will have to deliver at its central bank meeting next week. Simply cutting its refinancing rate is not going to be enough. It will need to announce something more substantial, or the euro runs the risk of getting smashed," he said in a commentary.

Benchmark borrowing rates for Spain and Italy continued to drop, after falling sharply on Thursday. Spain's 10-year bond yield was at 6.73 percent while Italy's traded at 5.95 percent.

Corporate earnings figures, meanwhile, were mostly upbeat. Shares rose in Barclays bank of the U.K., French oil company Total, EADS, the owner of plane maker Airbus, and carmaker Renault after they reported earnings.

Asian markets also got a boost from Samsung's record-high quarterly profit. Customers flocked to Galaxy smartphones, in the April-June quarter helping it outdo rivals even at a challenging time for the global tech industry. Samsung Electronics vaulted 5.2 percent in Seoul.

Japan's Nikkei 225 stock average closed up 1.5 percent at 8,566.64 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 2 percent to 19,274.96. Australia's S&P/ASX 200 rose 1.5 percent to 4,209.80. South Korea's Kospi climbed 2.6 percent to 1,829.16 and the Shanghai Composite inched up 0.1 percent to 2,128.76.

In energy markets, benchmark crude was up 32 cents at $89.71 in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract crude rose 42 cents to finish at $89.39 in New York on Thursday.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/global-markets-extend-gains-us-data-141457368--finance.html

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Do not worry if you don?t have any special service to offer or any product to sell. You can simply sell other people services and products, and earn a commission for each sale. This is called Affiliate Marketing.

So how to sell a product or a service online?
First of all, you need to study the product you plan to sell, and how much its demanded on the internet? For example, people don?t go online to buy tomatoes or salt or anything they can simply grape from their store!

Yes, some people might buy such products but they are very few and not worth setting up a website and promoting it.

Some of the services that people buy online most the time are web hosting services, web designs, domain names, travel tickets, bank accounts or credit cards?etc

Lets pick the web hosting business and talk about it, because this is what BestWebHost.ws is about and it would be a great example. Long story short, you either sell your own web hosting services and provide your clients with web space, customer support?etc or you sell other companies services and get paid a commission.

To earn money with web hosting affiliates you need to work hard and wait allot, but its WORTH IT! You will know this when you start ranking high in search engines and traffic is coming for free and converting to sales.

* You need a domain name.
You will need to buy your own domain name and it must be related to the product/services you are selling. I know that most good domain names are taken but remember that your not limited to Dot Com. You can go after dot US or Net or Co.uk or .co ?etc What im trying to say is having your product main keywords in your domain, is more important than the domain name extension.

* You need to build a website.
Now that we have found a great domain name, you need to setup and build a website. It can be static html pages or a WordPress blog or a vbulletin forum?etc

I wouldn?t build a forum cause its very hard to promote, unless you have a huge budget to advertise it everywhere and get people to post and be active. Simple static html pages are good but I simply don?t like it because each new page has to be added manually. My choice would be WordPress because blogs are very successful now adays if run correctly.

So lets say that you have installed a blog, its empty and you have no idea what to do next. Here are some things you should consider.

* Find a good free WordPress template or buy a unique one. Make sure you avoid the most common web design mistakes. Here are some but not all:

    Do not use Fancy fonts that are unreadable.
    Do not use tiny fonts that are unreadable.
    Do not use pop-up ads at all cost.
    Do not use music on your website.
    Do not make your homepage a flash introduction page.

* You need to add categories to your new WordPress blog such as Reviews, Articles, News, Tools, Templates..etc

What categories to add depend on your product and how much content you can add to that category. Having a News category sounds great but what use is it, if its going to be empty all the time. The 2 most important categories in the web hosting affiliate business are Reviews and Articles.

The reviews section will have all the reviews about the companies/products your promoting. The articles section is your play ground where you can post about anything related to your market. I post articles about everything related to webmasters but you don?t see me posting articles about Credit Cards or Real Estate..etc!

This brings us to one of the most important rules on internet marketing which is ?Stick to your own business?, do not post articles unrelated to your website, do not buy links from websites that are unrelated to your website.

So now you have a website and you have posted some product reviews, unique articles, added some free tools. Now what?

* Search Engine Optimization.
This is where the drama beings and 99% fail. This is something I can not teach you in an article, its something you need spend months or even years learning. Search engine optimization is the actions you do to your site and other websites in order to rank high in search engines for a certain keyword! Here are some basic SEO tips you should follow:

Link Building:
* Get links from websites related to your site.
* Quality is always more important than Quantity.
* Submit to the major and medium web directories.
* Do not over use the same title/description when linking to your website.

Content is King:
* Always post unique and original articles.
* Make your content useful and your visitors will come back!
* Do not copy/paste articles from other sites or you will be doomed!

Later I will write an article about what is search engine optimization and try to include everything I have learned in these 11 years.

Once your website is ranking high in search engines, people will start to visit your website and simply buy your product/services. At this point, your main job would be to improve your rankings to increase the traffic to your site and as a result increase your sales. I hope you found this article useful and feel free to post a comment if you have any questions.

Source: http://www.bestwebhost.ws/articles/how-to-make-money-online/

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Has Malawi become a homosexuality nation? DPP concerns over ...

By Democratic Progressive Party

July 27, 2012 ????? 39 Comments

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The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) wishes to register our profound concern over recent pronouncements made by some eminent personalities regarding Malawi?s position on gay, lesbian, and same sex relationships. Specifically, we wish to raise our serious misgivings on this issue taking into account applause recently made in the United States of America (USA) congratulating Mrs. Joyce Banda ?for taking strides to embrace HIV positive persons and sexual minorities, including homosexuals?. The fight against HIV and AIDS has been there for many years now and reached its peak during the previous administration where the HIV prevalence rate was tremendously reduced to about 12 percent. The recent applause can therefore only be made in light of the homosexuality drive and not very much from the perspective of curbing HIV and AIDS.

One source of the applause is musician Sir Elton John who explicitly made such congratulatory remarks at the AIDS 2012 Conference in Washington DC, USA. The congratulatory pronouncements made towards Malawi were captured in the?Nation?of 25th?July 2012 (p.3), and were also monitored on Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS).

Sir Elton John is gay and openly confesses to be a homosexual. The DPP would like to get confirmation about the basis for such applause made on Malawi at international forums. The nation and the people of Malawi have the right to know if the current administration of Her Excellency Mrs. Joyce Banda is indeed taking steps and making decisions that majority of Malawians are not aware of.

Malawians need to know if the congratulatory pronouncements being poured on Malawi are a sign of concrete commitment that Malawi has made in accepting homosexuality in the country. On a related note, the DPP looks back to Her Excellency Mrs. Joyce Banda?s recent State of The Nation Address which outlined a number of laws that will be repealed under her administration. One of the laws is within the Penal Code and it outlaws same sex marriages and homosexual relationships in this country.

?Repeal of Homosexuality Laws

Her Excellency Mrs. Banda made a commitment through the State of The Nation Address that her administration will repeal this law. Implicitly, the new administration is taking steps to push for a legal framework that turns Malawi into a pro-gay and homosexual nation. The DPP is deeply concerned with such steps that are happening outside the views of the people. DPP suggests that any repeal or amendment to such laws should take into account the voices of the people, and Malawians should be the ultimate decision makers on whether this country should open up to same sex relationships, gay marriages and similar affairs.

The DPP believes that Malawians would wish to make references to their cultural and religious values as part of the processes of arriving at the final decision. In simple and straight forward terms, the DPP strongly urges the current administration to come in the open and declare their position on same sex marriages. It is unfortunate and unfair if the leadership under the current administration is spreading pro-gay statements outside of Malawi when the State President has traveled abroad, or in closed boardroom discussions with non-Malawian institutions. If Sir Elton John?s congratulatory statements to Malawi are made based on a homosexuality position that the current administration is propagating, the DPP calls upon Her Excellency Mrs. Joyce Banda to urgently give the same information to Malawians at an open forum within the country instead of making such pronouncements abroad.

Call for an Open Debate on Gay Rights and Homosexuality

The DPP further wishes to challenge the current administration of Mrs. Joyce Banda to a nationwide consensus building process on gay rights issues and homosexuality matters. As has already been pointed out, these are highly controversial and can be divisive issues. The nationwide consultation process would help to diffuse any tension and mitigate against any conflict that may arise around this subject matter. The DPP believes that all persons are equal under the laws. Similarly, gays, lesbians, homosexuals and similar sexual minority groups are, first and foremost, human beings. DPP believes that by virtue of them being human beings, they must have access to equal protection under the law on human rights that are universally agreed as human rights.

However, where the DPP wishes nationwide consensus is on the question: Is the right to engage into same sex and homosexual relationships a human right? Additionally: Is Malawi and the current administration under pressure to allow homosexuality from the international community in exchange for aid? Ultimately, the nationwide consensus building should tackle the question: Are all Malawians ready to accept homosexuality? DPP believes that the voices of the people and citizens should be heard on this matter. DPP recommends that those who are for the idea of allowing homosexuality in Malawi should be given a platform to be heard, and those who are not for the idea should also be given an equal opportunity and right to be heard.


The DPP strongly advises the current administration against taking a careless approach on ?minority rights? issues. We call upon Her Excellency Mrs. Joyce Banda to tread carefully on homosexuality issues and carefully weigh foreign interests against the interests of Malawians. While we appreciate that homosexuals are first and foremost human beings with equal rights like the right to life, right to education, right to economic activity, and others which should be guaranteed and protected, it is however too premature and careless to behave as if all Malawians have accepted the notion of homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism and same sex relationships. As a nation, we should not introduce strange notions under the pretext of fighting HIV and AIDS.

Let the people?s voice be heard on this matter. Chiefs should be heard, religious leaders should be heard, academics should be heard, civil societies should add their voice, and ultimately, the voices of the voiceless and ordinary Malawians should also be heard. Finally, DPP wishes to emphasize that while Malawi budgets need external donor support, homosexuality issues and decisions will affect the whole nation and should therefore not be made in board rooms or with the narrow intention of appeasing donors for aid. The current administration should not sacrifice the broader interests of all Malawians for the love of silver in form of donor money but should engage in open minded dialogue with development partners that will preserve and protect the interests of all Malawians.

*Issued by Wakuda Kamanga, Secretary General of DPP

Tags: DPP, homosexuality, human rights, Joyce Banda

Source: http://www.nyasatimes.com/malawi/2012/07/27/has-malawi-become-a-homosexuality-nation-dpp-concerns-over-recent-statement/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Alexis Bar and Grill - LivingSocial

?60 (Pay ?29) to Spend on Food and Drink; or Two Mains from the Lunch Menu, with Two Glasses of Wine, or Tea and Coffee (Pay ?14)

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    Source: http://www.livingsocial.com/cities/68-south-dublin/deals/415120-60-to-spend-on-food-and-drink

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    CenturyLink Receives $35 Million From FCC, Will Provide High-Speed

    CenturyLink Rural High Speed Internet

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on Wednesday awarded CenturyLink with a $35 million donation that will provide 45,000 rural homeowners with access to high-speed internet access. The money was awarded as part of the federal governments?Connect America Fund?which is meant to provide broadband internet in areas previously thought to be to cost prohibitive for standardized broadband connectivity.

    CenturyLink could have received upwards of $90 million from the Connect America Fund but were forced to take only a portion of that funding because expansion required for the $90 million would have been far to financially prohibitive for the organization.

    CenturyLink has filed a waiver application which if approved will allow for 60,000 more rural homes to receive high-speed internet. CenturyLink has already received waiver support from some big state agencies including the?Washington Public Service Commission and the Minnesota Department of Commerce.

    The FCC compiled a $300 million funding pool which will be available to carriers during a reverse auction from September 27th.

    In a statement regarding its received funds CenturyLink wrote:

    ?CenturyLink was eligible for nearly $90 million in CAF Phase I funding. However, restrictions on the use of the CAF 1 funds made further deployment uneconomic.

    ?CenturyLink is excited to be able to work with the FCC to bring broadband services to thousands of homes for the first time. In addition to the incremental CAF funding, we are investing millions of dollars of our own money to bring robust broadband services to more customers because we believe these services will bring essential educational and economic opportunities to high-cost, rural areas of the country,? said Steve Davis, CenturyLink executive vice president for public policy and government relations.?

    Do you think the rapid expansion of rural internet services is an important stepping stone for connectivity in America?

    Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/285364/centurylink-receives-35-million-from-fcc-will-provide-high-speed-rural-internet-to-45000-customers/

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    Serena Williams Invests In Mobli, Will Use It To Snap Pics/Video At Olympics

    Screen Shot 2012-07-26 at 14.54.07Serena Williams, tennis superstar and Olympic hopeful, has invested in Mobli, a real-time photo and video sharing mobile application. As an investor she joins Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Lance Armstrong - a couple of actors and a cyclist you may have heard of. Although the nature of her investment has not been made clear (this may be one those equity-for-promotion deals), Williams will now use the app to update her fans (she has 2.9 million Twitter followers and is pretty engaged online) with her Olympic exploits. You can see her channel here.

    Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/ua_MR8k27PI/

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    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    Remembering Rachel Beckwith and One Raccoon Mechanic

    We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today:

    RELATED: 'What Makes You Beautiful' Gets Beautiful

    Just about one year ago, on July 23, 2011 nine-year-old Rachel Beckwith died in a tragic car accident. But one month before she died, Rachel had celebrated her ninth birthday and instead of asking for presents, she wanted to raise $300 to give people clean drinking water through mycharitywater--she fell short and wanted to try again next year. OK, that isn't the sound of our hearts breaking or sniffles or anything, but in the one month following Rachel's death, over $1 million was raised, and that money is now helping 60,000 people get access to clean water, and now, one year later, here's a video of her mother's and her grandparents' visit to Ethiopia to see the people Rachel helped:?

    RELATED: This Is How You Super Moonwalk; Old People Show Us the Dubstep

    RELATED: 1... 2 ... 3... This Robot Will Always Beat You

    And ... we totally take back whatever we said about raccoons being rats with cuter outfits:?

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    The Daily What?pointed us to this great, brass-heavy cover of "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" by Fitz and the Tantrums. No, without their help we probably wouldn't have figured out that the movie that the track/Fitz are using as a music video is actually the '60s horror classic?Carnival of Souls, but hey, the more you know:?

    And finally, we do not condone flashing anyone against their will. Nope. Never. But here's an ummm ... interesting (yeah, we'll go with that) and funny take from comedienne Sasheer Zamata (might be NSFW depending on where you work, so have headphones handy):

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/remembering-rachel-beckwith-one-raccoon-mechanic-223614121.html

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    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes for the Summer Games ...

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    All eyes will turn to the United Kingdom in the coming days as thousands of athletes and countless fans from hundreds of nations will flock to London for the 2012 Summer Olympics. The United States is no stranger to accommodating the grand international sporting spectacle, having hosted three summer games. So, in a salute to the U.S. athletes and venues that have had a part in the Olympics of yesteryear, REALTOR.com brings you a historical stroll down Gold Medal Lane.

    Originally awarded to Chicago, IL, St. Louis ended up hosting the third ever international sporting event thanks to some serious arm-twisting by organizers of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. A total of 91 events in 17 different sports were hosted at five different area venues, during a time period that overlapped with the 1904 World?s Fair, another international event which just so happened to be taking place in the very same city.

    Francis Field ? Clayton, MO

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Francis Field, now a National Historic Landmark, was the main venue for the 1904 games and played host to events in 11 different sports, including the now defunct Olympic events, roque, a variation of croquet played on a hard surface, and tug-o-war.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Obviously, quite a bit has changed since 1904. Francis Field is now an event stadium for Washington University for track and field, football and soccer, while Clayton itself is a thriving cultural suburb of St. Louis, where the average listing price is currently hovering around $708,000.

    Found within the affluent Clayton neighborhood of Carrswold, the priciest home in the area currently lists for $3.5 million. Set on a lot of 1.2 acres, the 8,527-square-foot Tudor Revival property features a total of six bedrooms and eight baths, along with fine finishes and touches, an au pair suite and an additional attached apartment above the garage.

    Forest Park ? St. Louis, MO

    Considered the ?heart of St. Louis? thanks to attractions like the St. Louis Zoo, Saint Louis Art Museum, Science Center, and History Museum, Forest Park was not only used as the main hub for the 1904 World?s Fair, but also the location for Olympic diving, swimming and water polo events.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    With a rooftop terrace that overlooks Forest Park, this particular penthouse suite, listed for $2.4 million, might be the finest property in the area. Measuring some 3,850-square-feet with three bedrooms and four bathrooms, the contemporary pad offers tremendous views of the St. Louis Arch and other landmarks thanks to a substantial use of floor-to-ceiling glass.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    The year was 1984. Playing the part of Olympic host, Ronald Reagan waved his presidential pom-poms, as Sam the Olympic Eagle symbolically flew overhead, to kick-off the ?84 games in Los Angeles. With 140 nations on hand in sunny SoCal, the Soviet Union, Cuba and East Germany not included, the U.S. put its many ?Stars in Motion? to bring home 83 gold medals and 174 medals overall.

    Lake Casitas ? Ojai, CA

    For canoeing and rowing events, the Olympic planners opted to head roughly an hour north of the greater Los Angeles area to Ojai Valley?s Lake Casitas. It was there that the U.S. men?s and women?s teams would medal an impressive eight times, including a pair of golds in rowing.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    The site of U.S. medal winners, Lake Casitas and Ojai Valley also boasts its fair share of gold medal properties, including this breathtaking estate and ranch located atop the winding Sulphur Mountain Road. Set on a jutting promontory, the property, listed for $9.95 million, offers the pinnacle viewpoint for soaking in the surrounding Los Padres National Forest, the lake and, when clear of overcast, the Pacific Ocean.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Shoreline Marina ? Long Beach, CA

    The Long Beach Shoreline Marina was built in 1983 specifically with competitions in mind, and the venue ended up as the site of one of the biggest aquatic events at the ?84 games: sailing. Making a strong statement for the host country, U.S. sailing teams would take home three gold and four silver medals in seven different class events.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Today, Long Beach Shoreline Marina is home to some of the area?s finest luxury estates, including this $9 million waterfront property in the well-to-do Naples enclave. Beyond pristine views of the harbor and surrounding waterways, those millions will get you a whole lot of luxury home, including nearly 8,000-square-feet of living space, dockage for a pair of boats, a wine cellar, spa and fire pit.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    1996 Summer Olympics ? Atlanta, GA

    In 1996, Atlanta heeded the centennial call, playing host of the Olympic Games to a record 197 nations. It was an inspiring showcase from the start, with Muhammad Ali surprising the masses to light the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies, and the U.S athletes following the ?Summon the Heroes? mantra to the tune of 44 gold medal finishes and a 101 medals overall.

    Georgia International Horse Park ? Conyers, GA

    More than 600,000 fans flocked to the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers to take in Olympic events ranging from equestrian to mountain biking to modern pentathlon competitions. It was there that celebrated horse trainer Michael Martz would ride Rhum IV to a silver medal during the show jumping equestrian event.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Since the ?96 games, the areas around the Georgia International Horse Park saw major growth, especially in terms of residential development. Still, as one can imagine, ranch homes and equestrian estates such as Hallelujah Ranch are the predominant properties in the area. Set on 63 acres, the $1.95 million horse property boasts a sprawling terrain with a spacious main home, three stocked ponds, a barn and all the essentials for a happy, well-trained horse.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Georgia Dome ? Atlanta, GA

    It?s tough to live up to the expectations of the ?92 Olympics? ?Dream Team?, a mashup of NBA All-Stars considered to be the greatest collection of players ever. However, both the men?s and women?s ?96 ensembles did not disappoint, smashing their way to gold medals in front of the throng of fans who packed the seats of the Georgia Dome.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    With slam dunks views of downtown Atlanta, this loft is a major contender in any residential event. Listed for $1.5 million, the four-floor property features a ?Dream Team? of luxury amenities, including a gourmet kitchen, elevator and the ultimate and-one, a rooftop deck.

    Olympic Real Estate: Gold Medal Homes In Summer Games Cities (PHOTOS) photo

    Related posts:

    1. REALTOR.com Real Estate Trends June 2012 (DATA)
    2. Five Homes For the Unconventional Sportsman
    3. Eight Sizzling Hot Gadgets For Summer: Tecca Tuesday Tech Update
    4. The Top Five Real Estate Stories of 2011
    5. Pole Property: NASCAR Champion Joe Nemecheck to Auction Home (PHOTOS)

    Source: http://www.realtor.com/blogs/2012/07/25/olympic-real-estate-gold-medal-homes-for-the-summer-games-photo/

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    Personal Finance for Dummies | My Website

    Avoid the Frugality Fall-off:
    Ways to Keep up the Good Financial Habits Now That the Worst of the Recession Is Over


    For many Americans the recession was a wake-up call. Whether a family member lost a job or we just lived in fear of such an event, we tightened our belts, cut out the extras, and started saving a bit (maybe not as much as we should, but at least we were moving in the right direction). But now that the economy is (ever so slowly) picking up, that trend seems to be reversing itself. Savings rates are dwindling, and consumer spending has been steadily rising?making it pretty clear that, collectively, we?ve fallen off the frugality wagon.


    Personal finance guru Eric Tyson says while it?s tough to generalize?after all, everyone?s circumstances are different?this frugality fall-off squares with what most of us instinctively know about human nature.


    ?People have short attention spans,? says Tyson, author of the bestselling Personal Finance For Dummies?, 6th Edition who is known for his reasoned and objective advice. ?Now that the initial shock of the recession has passed, some folks seem to be returning to their old ways. The problem, of course, is that the economy is far from booming?and even in the best of times most Americans don?t make great day-to-day financial decisions.?


    As a rule, says Tyson, we save too little, spend too much on unnecessary ?stuff,? and just don?t put enough conscious thought into how we use our money.


    ?It?s not that all discretionary spending is bad,? he clarifies. ?We enjoy spending money and that?s okay, as long as we?re also meeting long-term financial goals. The problem is that too many of us spend mindlessly on things that don?t yield an ROI that?s worth it. It?s true that many of us started paying a lot more attention to our spending when the recession first hit?but now we?re starting to backslide.?


    If you want to stay on the wagon?or climb back on if you?ve already fallen off?you don?t have to go to extremes, says Tyson. There are some relatively small adjustments you can make that, together, make a significant difference.


    Ask yourself truthfully: Did the recession reveal any holes in my family?s financial plan? It could be that one spouse lost his or her job (revealing the need for life insurance or a health plan that?s not tied to a job). Or it brought home the need to have an emergency fund. Or perhaps it woke you and your spouse up to the fact that you weren?t going to be able to retire when you previously planned.
    ?Step One is finding these holes in your financial plan,? says Tyson. ?Step Two is making the necessary changes to bridge these gaps in your long-term financial outlook. You may need to make cuts in one aspect of your spending in order to put more money toward an emergency fund. You may want to look into different healthcare plans, such as a health savings account. Or it might be time to take a serious look at your retirement savings strategy: Could you be doing more to prepare?

    Get clear on your family?s long-term financial goals. For instance, Tyson says it?s unrealistic for most parents to fully fund their children?s college education. This is especially true considering the escalating cost of higher education. It?s best for the average family to focus on funding Mom and Dad?s retirement account and to realize that kids will have to rely on scholarships, financial aid, and loans.
    ?Explain this reality to your kids early on and let them know they need to set themselves up for success by doing all those things that colleges find appealing?getting good grades, participating in extracurricular activities, and so on,? he advises. ?It?s actually a great opportunity to teach your kids what good financial management looks like. It?s not just saving money here and there. It?s about making good decisions in all aspects of your life.?
    Do everything possible to control healthcare costs. Healthcare costs continue to increase to astronomical levels, and it?s only going to get worse. Even if you get your health insurance through your company, there?s a good chance you are (or soon will be) paying a higher percentage of the monthly premium than ever before. (And of course, those premiums are rising.) If possible, says Tyson, ask your employer and/or shop around for better/less expensive options such as HSAs, FSAs, and so forth.
    HSAs, for instance, are very helpful when tax time comes around. These accounts allow you to save on a tax-free basis toward current or future unreimbursed medical expenses. If you get sick and haven?t met your deductible, the funds in your HSA can be used to pay it off. Once your deductible is paid, your insurance plan will kick in and cover any subsequent medical costs under your policy, but your HSA can still be used to pay for your co-pays and any non-covered healthcare expenses.


    Free WordPress ThemesBite the bullet and do some research to cut your monthly expenses.No one wants to spend their valuable free time checking on lower auto insurance rates or better cell phone plans. But when you consider the potential payoff, you?ll be more willing to invest a couple of hours in doing Internet research and making phone calls.
    ?We put off these dreaded tasks and just keep paying inflated rates,? notes Tyson. ?But if you can save, say, $500 or more a year, it?s definitely worth your time to shop around a bit. Do the math and use that to justify the effort.?

    Don?t let technology suck up all your money (and time). Between watching TV, Facebooking, endless texting, and so forth, we?ve gotten brainwashed into thinking a) we have to be constantly entertained, and b) we need the latest and greatest electronic gadgets. Unfortunately, these twenty-first century revelations aren?t good for your bank account or family togetherness.
    ?As it is, most of us struggle to find quality time together given work obligations, long school days, and other activities,? says Tyson. ?At home, all these technology choices compete for attention and often pull families apart. The cost for all these services and gadgets adds up, leading to a continued enslavement to our careers.
    ?Err on the side of keeping your life simple,? he advises. ?Trade in your family?s smartphones, and the costly plans that come with them, for regular phones. And then put in place a no-phones-at-the-dinner-table rule. Go for basic cable instead of one of the more expensive plans and start having a weekly family game night away from the TV. Making these and similar changes costs less, reduces stress, and allows more time for the things that really do matter in life.?


    Resist the urge to overindulge kids. Make no mistake, kids are expensive. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates it will cost nearly a quarter of a million dollars to raise a child born in 2010 (and that?s not counting college). But whatever you do, don?t add to that price tag by spoiling kids, says Tyson.
    ?They don?t need the latest technology, expensive summer camps, pricey clothing, lavish parties, and so forth,? he insists. ?When you keep these things to a minimum, not only will you save money but you?ll raise non-materialistic kids with good values and well-developed financial management skills of their own.?


    Eat healthfully at home without spending a fortune. All the restaurant bills add up fast. Plus, they tend to be bad for you (especially fat-laden fast food meals). Plan a little better and you won?t find yourself going through the drive-through out of desperation. On the other hand, if you are cooking most of your meals, don?t use that fact to justify overspending on groceries. ?Eating in? is not carte blanche to go crazy at the supermarket.
    ?Try to keep a healthy inventory of groceries at home,? suggests Tyson. ?This will minimize trips to the store and the need to impulsively dine out because your cupboard is bare. Try to do most of your shopping through discount warehouse-type stores, which offer low prices for buying in bulk, or grocery stores that offer bulk purchases. And if you?re trying to eat fresher, healthier, and organic foods more often, buy more of what is currently less expensive.?


    Don?t waste money on brand names.Be suspicious of companies that spend gobs on image-oriented advertising. Branding is often used to charge premium prices. Meanwhile, blind taste tests have demonstrated that consumers can?t readily discern quality differences between high- and low-cost brands with many products.
    ?Question the importance of the name and image of the products,? says Tyson. ?Companies spend a lot of money creating and cultivating an image, which has no impact on how their products taste or perform. This is especially important to keep in mind when you?re grocery shopping. Most of the time the ingredients are the same in store-brand products as in the brand-name product (and may even be made by that same company). You don?t need to shell out money to pay for the name.?
    It can?t be said too many times: If you have to charge it, you don?t really need it.True of everything from consumer goods to vacations to cars: If you can?t pay cash, you can?t afford it.
    ?Resist the lure of 0-percent-down financing and credit cards that make too-good-to-be-true offers to get you to sign up,? advises Tyson. ?Credit cards offer temptation for overspending and carrying debt from month to month. If you absolutely must use credit, replace your credit card with a charge card. A charge card, like the American Express Card, requires you to pay your balance in full each billing period.?


    Focus on ?the best things in life??remember, they?re free.When you focus on spending lots of quality time with friends and family, you won?t feel the need to fill the void in your life with costly distractions.
    ?Instead of thinking about life in terms of what things cost, start thinking about it in terms of time,? says Tyson. ?Often, all those unnecessary things we buy for ourselves and our kids are simply distractions from the people we love. They send the message that it?s necessary to spend a lot of money in order to have a good time. It?s not, of course. The best things in life?friends, family, quiet evenings at home just being together?really arefree. Sometimes it?s good to be reminded of that.?


    ?Not feeling in control of your financial destiny takes an emotional toll,? says Tyson. ?When you don?t have a handle on your finances, you experience increased stress and anxiety. Don?t allow yourself to fall back into the poor financial habits you had prior to the recession. Be diligent about making sound financial choices and you are certain to be a happier person. Financial literacy helps you sleep easier and truly savor the rare times you?re not working hard?instead of fretting over the money that?s sliding through your hands.?


    # # #

    About the Author:
    Eric Tyson is an internationally acclaimed and bestselling personal finance book author, syndicated columnist, and speaker. He has worked with and taught people from all financial situations, so he knows the financial concerns and questions of real folks just like you. Despite being handicapped by an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a BS in economics and biology from Yale University, Eric remains a master of ?keeping it simple.?

    Eric?s website is www.erictyson.com.


    About the Books:
    Personal Finance For Dummies?, 6th Edition (Wiley, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-470-50693-6, $21.99) is available at bookstores nationwide, major online booksellers, or directly from the publisher by calling (877) 762-2974.

    Source: http://citygalmagazine.com/personal-finance/

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    Engage Your Most Uninspired Employees - Business Consulting Firm

    Every team has them ? heck, every social circle has them ? the naysayers, the downers, the pessimists ? well, you know who I?m talking about, the people we don?t particularly enjoy. Now, some managers choose to leave these gloom-and-doom employees alone. But, I argue that taking another approach might work to your better advantage.

    If your employees aren?t happy, inspired, or driven to come to work each day ? you have the opportunity to ignore their demeanor or identify their reasons. The reason that taking the latter approach is the better alternative for a manager is because although ignoring the employee is the easy route, it won?t get you or that employee any further in your endeavors toward success (and it won?t do the rest of your team any good either!).

    Here are 3 tips to consider when contemplating how to involve your most uninspired employees.

    1. Informally pursue one-on-one casual meetings with the employee.
    The best way to break someone?s bad attitude is to build a relationship with him/her. You can?t expect to know every emotion (nor should you want to, for professional reasons) your employees have, but you can challenge yourself to care about the general well-being of your employees. If they are continually distressed, dissatisfied and distracted at work ? a sincere relationship with their manager might be the right medicine to engage their attention. Furthermore, once each of your reports has a relationship with you, each will have more skin in the game. And once people are personally invested in their team?s project or process, that?s when their engagement drives their excitement, which creates a positive, thriving work environment.

    2. Intentionally plan team activities that revolve around team goals.
    If you have a few employees who aren?t connected to the greater part of your team?s clan ? you can bet money that they probably aren?t collaborating with the majority of your team either. The more connected team members feel, the more collaborative they are. This doesn?t mean that every competitive streak has to be cancelled out ? no, no, no?not at all! In fact, just the opposite. Sometimes, a little healthy competitive match amongst team members is exactly what each individual needs to demonstrate his/her strengths in the right setting. Through this sort of event, you might just see how intertwined one?s personal confidence and one?s professional commitment are. The more opportunities you give your employees to feel good about themselves, the greater their commitment to your team will be.

    3. Invest in establishing good communication skills.
    I?m telling you now, if there?s one thing that everybody can benefit from ? it?s getting better at communication. So, stock up on some top-selling books that solidify your communication skills, collaborate with a few communication consultants and mirror your favorite mentors. The worst employees that are the least engaged feel isolated ? and the simplest way to engage them in the short term is to?talk to them! Sounds like common sense, right? Right. But, the problem is that most employees and managers avoid the cynics because they?re unpleasant. This strategy only perpetuates the cycle ? they simply get more alone, which gives them ample more reason to withdraw their attention to and association with the rest of the team. Stop the problem where it starts ? don?t hope it just suddenly goes away?because if that employee quits, your team (and you) have learned nothing.

    As the old saying goes, ?No man is an island.? Now, you tell me: What?s your secret to involving the excluded employees?

    Source: http://wcwpartners.com/business-success/engagetheuninspired/

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